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Monday, January 26, 2015

Coding is a lot like writing

So, I have been spending a lot of time lately writing code. You know that stereotype of  a computer scientist locking themselves up in a dark room, in the cycle of coding, eating and sleeping. I allow you to imagine that, only a happier version. It feels like deja vu and I know why. Its not the first time that am writing. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I have written everything from songs, to poems to articles, to novels( well most unpublished novels) and it feels exactly the same as coding for a personal project.

I remember once time in high school I decided to write a story titled 'Newton's descendant'. It was nothing serious just something I wanted to check off my list before I die. It started with a layout. The layout , the higher level plan of what the story was about; in this case it was about a competition on physics concepts and Newton's life to get someone who would pass for Newton's descendant even though he never had children. The theme paved way for my characters who were the participants.

Then came chapter one and the rest was history. Life became all about that story from then. I was either writing it or researching for it, finishing assignments fast so that I can continue with it(glad teachers never found out) or just imagining the next chapter. I literally breathed my story, I dream about it when I was not working on it, I became the characters I was writing about.  It was apparent to my friends that I had zoned out and everyone started getting curious.
I couldn't hide the fact that this story got me excited and so I allowed them to read it while I kept writing. This gave me enough feedback and ideas to make it more interesting. After 3 months of minimum social life , I finally released the final version of the story with about 300 pages. Everyone liked it, even one friend who rarely reads anything that is not compulsory.  I still remember that feeling, that was when I started writing seriously.

I'm experiencing the same feeling I was feeling some years ago, the excitement, the seclusion, the pre release,
the positive feedback. It only proves one thing, coding is a lot like writing, only that coding requires both imagination and technical ability while imagination suffices writing. The two have a lot in common, endurance, imagination and 100% dedication. When making an app or any project you have to put 100% dedication, otherwise it becomes one of those I wish I had the time to do x, y and z. Am glad I realised that early enough.So even though I never got to publish that story am glad it taught me much of what I'm practising today.

Curious on the project I have been working on ? Head over to . If it amazes you, click the vote button too! Thanks in advance!

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