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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Code IT!


            Normally, one would conform and accept that things have to be done in a particular way. Of course, normal people don’t include computer scientists or rather scientists in general. These are the people who don’t think it’s lazy to let a machine do chores for you while you do better things with your life. They are the people who see opportunity in what appears to be inconveniences. When you think all the major inventions were born out of lazy motives.

            Books will record that Linus Torvalds created the kernel of the Linux Operating System in order to create a first-class operating system, but the real reason he did it is rather interesting. It was simply Finland winter! He just didn’t want to have to get up to use University computers; he wanted to connect to these computers from the comfort of his bed. He thus made an inexpensive operating system for his PC.

            In a similar fashion, it will go down to history that Gauri Nanda made clocky because she was an MIT genius. Well, the real reason is because she too loves her sleep. She made an alarm clock that will not only make noise but also make you play hide and seek until you are wide awake; a simple solution for a big problem.  

            The general trend is apparent, while the principle of others is “Discipline yourself and conform to the current system”, scientists principle is “Don’t fight it, code it”. That’s it folks, I have uncovered the mystery of the most weird people on this planet. The father of invention Thomas Edison was once quoted “The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.” It is true that opportunity is normally hidden in what appears to be rules or work or anything between those lines.  It takes a whole lot of courage and incentive to grab it.

                        Society has a general trend to condone laziness and lack of discipline. Although that’s important, it is also important not to hamper creativity. Innovation and creativity spans out of a very simple mindset, that is,  whatever is bothering you, Don’t fight it, code IT!