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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Impostor Syndrome Part II

I don't know about other fields , but in Engineering it is very common to feel like an impostor for many reasons. First being that engineering is literally defined as solving problems you never had using ways you've never known. Basically this means that we are constantly learning and everything you come across will most likely be new. Its easy to fall into the trap of feeling like an impostor when you faced with technical problems and you don't know where to start.
I'm writing these as much to myself as to any of you, because well I'm not exempted from the beast.

1) Be prepared to look stupid. It took me a whole day to find out that [Transaction] is a reserved keyword for sql hence should not be used for database table names. Yes, I was stupid before but now that I have learnt something it doesn't matter how I got here. You are constantly learning and its okay not to know things, no one knows everything. 

2) Don't try to do everything. Been there done that, quick advise , don't do it. It is tempting to want to do everything because of the fear of being left out,  or because it will look cool on your CV or whatever. You can only do one thing at a time, you might as well do it perfectly. 

3) Don't be a perfectionist. Can't overemphasize this enough. Use every failure as an  opportunity to learn.

4) If necessary avoid unnecessary networking events. Yap! I know this is counter to the modern conscience but nothing awakens the beast than networking events where you'll most likely have nothing to say. Its tempting to attend everything to make you feel proactive and techy but sometimes you have to learn to say no to some invitations.  

5)Take small steps at a time. There is a reason why University degrees are at least 3 years and why it took us centuries to realize that we are not at the center of the universe. Do small tasks and build confidence as you go along, after all no matter how heavy or big rocks are basically made of sand. 

6)A little competition is good but in the grand scheme of things, life is much more than that.

7) For Computer engineers /computer scientists, remember that computers are very very dumb, we have to sink down to its level to write proper instructions for it.

Above all, be proud of how far you've come and look to the future with optimism.

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